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When we think of someone with a fiery personality, those qualities and personality traits are exactly what defines a Leo's zodiac sign . Passionate, dominant, brave and dramatic are just some of the more well-known aspects of this exciting zodiac sign. According to the zodiac calendar, a Leo is anyone born between July 23 and August 22. Depending on where you stand when it comes to your beliefs in astrology and horoscopes , this may or may not seem of interest to you. The truth is though, is that astrology can be another useful way to get to know the people around us or even understand our own selves better. This can help in every aspect of our daily lives, whether it is personal or professional. Why not consider learning about a zodiac sign’s personality traits to better communicate with them or discover your own strengths and weaknesses in order to achieve success? RELATED: The Way Your Zodiac Sign Communicates Best, According To Astrology While we think we may already know all the necessary information about the Leo zodiac sign, there is also much more to learn and discover. Leos love to be treated like a king or queen, and befitting of royalty, there’s a lot of mystery and fascination that surround them as well. There’s a reason we are drawn to famous Leos like President Barack Obama, Lucille Ball, Jennifer Lopez, and even the new Duchess of Sussex Meghan Markle. Below are some myths and astrology-based facts surrounding the Leo zodiac sign that you should know, using facts that come from astrology, by Leo's horoscope traits. It would be easy to assume that a zodiac sign who adores being the center of the attention is also a very selfish person, but the truth is that a Leo is actually quite generous.
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