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Continental, the German supplier, has been a pioneer in this product development, Eller says. Although autonomous vehicles may lead to fewer personal vehicles in production, Eller says self-driving cars open the door to innovative materials and processes that add value. “What’s the point of just selling a pound of plastic? Why not make it a part that has functionality and therefore value?” he asks. “Interior plastics are evolving from dumb to smart, thereby creating value.” And if autonomous vehicles never gain widespread acceptance, “there’s lots of opportunity” for these same smart materials in traditional vehicles with steering wheels, requiring a driver. By 2040, some analysts forecast production of 33 million autonomous vehicles globally, and nearly 90% of them are likely to be electric, says TJ Allison, director-advanced development at Auria Solutions, a joint venture launched last September between Shanghai Shenda (owning 70%) and IAC Group (owning 30%). “Somewhere in the mix between the electrification of cars and maybe the decline of internal-combustion engines, things will change,” Allison says. “Things will change in terms of what the vehicle needs and what functionality will need to go into that vehicle.” But no matter how the market evolves, discerning consumers will always appreciate craftsmanship, safety and efficiency, says Barho, from Benecke-Hornschuch Surface Group. A division of Continental, Benecke-Hornschuch focuses on hard and soft materials such as artificial leather and woodgrain and curved touchscreens for the auto industry.
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