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And while that's all true, it's also important to remember that the summer solstice is about a whole lot more than that. This is a day with so many deeper meanings that has been associated with a tremendous amount of ancient rituals and celebrations — so it makes sense that it would affect your zodiac sign. The 2018 summer solstice comes with some interesting astrology predictions that are going to affect your life in some way or another, and it's important to recognize what these are. The summer solstice is a time of celebration, reflection, and spiritual significance. As this is considered midsummer, or the middle of the year, it marks the beginning of the season about nature and beauty. Ancient civilizations celebrated the solstice as a time to usher in and honor light, our connection to the sun and the Earth, and new beginnings. Natalia Kuna says , "The summer solstice is a celebration of the return to light, and it so powerfully reminds us of the light within each of us and the full potential of our individuated as well as united light or christ consciousness (our cosmic sense of unity). It is about awakening, or reaching enlightenment, as an omnipotent symbol of ascension and the ultimate triumph of light over darkness." As the date of the solstice, June 21 also marks the beginning of Cancer season . This brings about its own astrological significance, something that will affect each zodiac sign in either big ways or subtle ways. Both the solstice and Cancer's birthday is going to bring in a lot of new energy, and being aware of that will help you make sense of any changes that might occur in your life.
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